What Do Koalas Eat

What Do Koalas Eat

Despite the fact that regularly called the koala "bear," this cuddly creature is not a bear at all; it is a marsupial, or pouched mammal. In the wake of conceiving an offspring, a female koala conveys her child in her pocket for in the vicinity of six months. The point when the baby develops, it rides on its mother's back or sticks to her paunch, going with her all around until it is one year old.


What Do Koalas Eat
 They are 61-85 inches tall. Depending on whether they live in a warmer or cooler wheather. In Victoria, they can weigh up to 14 kilograms, in North Queensland, where it is warmer, they weigh about 8 kg. The females are smaller and lighter than males on average. The fur color ranges from silver grey to chocolate brown.


What Do Koalas EatWhere do koalas live

Koalas are only available in Australia.
Living space Koalas can only live in areas where several eucalyptus trees grow. It is also important that other koalas live nearby.


What Do Koalas Eat

The Koalas are very particular eaters, just consuming from a few separate types of eucalyptus (or gum) trees and quite periodically from some different trees, for example wattles or tea trees. They will consume the leaves, shoots, foods grown from the ground, blossoms and even, on occasion, the bark from limbs, but it is not part of their normal diet. Koala consume approximately 450-680g (1 to 1½ pounds) of leaves a day. The koala can typically get all the supplements and water it needs from the oil in the gum leaves (have you heard of eucalyptus oil?). Eucalyptus leaves are low in nutrition and the oil found in the leaves is poisonous to mammals. Koalas have unique microorganisms in their guts which empower them to process the Eucalyptus leaves

What Do Koalas Eat
Life expectancy 

Koalas can live for up to 13 years for males and up to 18 years for females.

Koalas: Eating Pattern and More

Consider one of the animals that refuse to eat anything else rather that two or three things and can spend two days maximum after eating one day. That one animal is Koala bear. Coming from the bear family but not actually considered as bear, this animal is having all those features with which it can attract the people. This bear is actually living his life on eucalyptus plants and eat that plant only. It can go for it because this also helps them to have water and also hard to digest so that they can take a big nap in a day.

Now, one funny fact about koalas is the fact that they eat mainly during the night, since the temperatures are cooler. Another fun fact is the part where they eat about three hours per day – you can imagine the general idea of it. There are many other reasons based on which koalas only eat the eucalyptus leaves and one of the reasons is that the koalas live high among the tree for protection against the other animals that might mean harm to the koalas. The oil that is on the eucalyptus leaves is poisonous to other animals.

 Generally, they are found in the dense forests only. They do not eat anything else except the eucalyptus plants. Somehow, they are also eaten by owls or eagles because they are not having a fighting nature. While they are known for eating the eucalyptus plants, they generally do not eat anything else but if they found anything of their like say, tea leaves, paper bark tree, they eat that also. As per the estimation, one Koala bear can eat up to 200-500 grams of eaves on daily basis.

They occasionally will eat several other things, but this is only if they can’t find the eucalyptus leaves that they want or need. These other things are wattle, tea tree, paper bark, and pine species. Koalas will search for the eucalyptus leaves and if they can’t find the eucalyptus leaves that they are looking for, they will try a few things off of the list mentioned above.

 Thus, Koalas can get these plants easily for their food and also it is possible that they can sleep on bamboo trees by balancing them on it. However, they are rarely found and they are not available in many parts of the world. Because of globalization and ending of plants and forests, their existence is in danger.

Koala Bear are Fond of Eating Eucalyptus Plants

Among many of the animals that are there in this world, Koalas is one of them. It is a species of bear that are considered to be herbivorous and also known for eating eucalyptus plants. Koalas are also referred to as koala bears because of their bear look-a-like features but they are not bears and are not even related to the bear family. They feed mostly on the leaves from some of the many species of the eucalyptus trees. They get most of the water that they require from their diet, but will however drink fresh water whenever it is available.

Generally, they are found in the dense forests only. They do not eat anything else except the eucalyptus plants. Somehow, they are also eaten by owls or eagles because they are not having a fighting nature. While they are known for eating the eucalyptus plants, they generally do not eat anything else but if they found anything of their like say, tea leaves, paper bark tree, they eat that also. As per the estimation, one Koala bear can eat up to 200-500 grams of eaves on daily basis. As these things are available near to mountains or in dense forests, they stay in those areas only. However, they also have to protect them from the attacks from other animals. The reason why Koalas eat a lot of eucalyptus leaves is that they are hard to digest because of which they can stay without eating anything for 2 days. Koalas sleep a lot because of which it also helps them in digestion. For sleeping at least 20 hours a day, they require bamboo stick which provide them better grip in maintaining balance and sleeping for long.

While having a look alike as a bear, Koalas are not considered as the bears because they are small in size and also their habits are not matched with the bears. Because of their habits and nature, they are rarely visible and also they are not found in any kind of zoo too. However, this species is not available in many parts of the world and their existence is also creating a question to the mankind.

One of the most different and funny fact about the Koalas Bear is that they eat eucalyptus plants or any of their preferred food item only at night. Through the leaves, they also get water which supports them when they do not find anything to eat.